
Rhinophyma and the Importance of Seeking Treatment

In a recent medical article examining the skin conditions of the top 10 movie heroes and villains, rhinophyma was even noted as a distinguishing feature of the evil Queen in Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.
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Avoiding Allergens Could Mean Avoiding Rosacea Flare-ups

Spring is here, and with the changing season comes a rush of unwanted allergies.
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Study Investigates Link Between Rosacea and Certain Types of Cancer

A recent study in Denmark found rosacea patients had an increased risk of hepatic cancer (liver cancer), non-melanoma skin cancer and breast cancer, but a decreased risk of lung cancer.
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New Study Finds Alcohol Raises Risk of Rosacea in Women

The forms of alcohol with the strongest association with increased risk of rosacea might surprise you.
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Turning Lemons into Lemonade, Rosacea into Red Wine Art

The more artist Amelia Fais Harnas’ worked on her wine stain paintings, the more issues she had with her complexion.
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Rosacea Awareness Month Highlights Warning Signs

The National Rosacea Society (NRS) has designated April as Rosacea Awareness Month.
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How White Blood Cells Affect Rosacea

The potential role of white blood cells in rosacea was described in a presentation at the American Academy of Dermatology annual meeting earlier this month in Orlando.
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Take Important New Survey on Rosacea's Burden of Illness

Sponsored postThe following announcement is sponsored by Allergan, Plc. The National Rosacea Society is pleased to announce the launch of a survey on the burden of rosacea.
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Shaving Tips for Men with Rosacea

Although rosacea is diagnosed up to three times more often in women, men with rosacea must deal with a skincare challenge of their own: shaving.
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The Winter Issue of Rosacea Review is Now Online

The latest newsletter includes tips for winter rosacea care, advice about stress management and more.
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TV's 'The Doctors' Shows Life-Changing Surgery for Rosacea

A recent segment on the daytime TV talk show “The Doctors” focuses on a rosacea patient with rhinophyma.
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A Blush of Romance: Dating with Rosacea

Have you been hit by Cupid’s arrow? Valentine’s Day is here again!
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Rosacea Awareness Month to Focus on Health Risks

April will be designated as Rosacea Awareness Month, as new research has tied rosacea to increased risk of a growing number of potentially serious illnesses.
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How to Jumpstart a Conversation with Your Doctor

Whether you’re visiting a dermatologist for the first time or returning for your regular check-up, try out these tips and talking points to help guide your conversation.
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Study Examines Eye Health of Rosacea Patients

People with rosacea may be more likely to have meibomian gland dysfunction, blepharitis and changes to the margins of their eyelids, according to researchers.
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How Do You Explain Rosacea to Others?

Whether responding to incorrect comments or dispelling the potential for false impressions, it might be a good idea to initiate a conversation about your condition.
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Quiz: Test your Rosacea IQ

How much do you know about rosacea?
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Study Finds Association Between Rosacea & Migraine

Researchers in Denmark have reported a potential link between rosacea and migraine headaches.
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New Year's Eve is No Time for a Flare-up

New Year’s Eve is an inconvenient time for a rosacea flare-up. Here are a few ideas for avoiding common rosacea tripwires.
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How Can You Help Rosacea Research?

Learn how you can play an important role in the ongoing search for the causes and other key aspects of rosacea.
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Special Steps for Winter Rosacea Care

More than a third of rosacea patients have said winter is the hardest season of the year.
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Further Studies Link IBD and Rosacea

Recent studies in the United Kingdom, South Korea and Denmark have found significant associations between rosacea and inflammatory bowel disease.
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Rosacea or “Teenager Skin” Breakouts? One Woman’s Road to Rosacea Relief

Sponsored postThe following announcement was issued by Galderma Laboratories, L.P.
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Support the National Rosacea Society on Giving Tuesday

This year the National Rosacea Society is taking part in Giving Tuesday, a global day of charity that falls just after the shopping madness of Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
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Tips for Avoiding Turkey Day Triggers

Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate with family and friends, but it can also be a time when potential rosacea flare-ups could make the festivities less enjoyable.
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