
Fall Rosacea Review is Now Available

The latest issue of our newsletter is now available for online reading. 
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Dispelling the Myth of Wine and Noses

Despite increased information and awareness of rosacea, the misconception persists that rosacea is caused by excessive drinking.
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Success Story: Fighting Redness in Paradise

"For several years I thought there was no light at the end of the tunnel with this condition, and that I would have to live with aggravated rosacea the rest of my life," she said.
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Survey: Eye Irritation from Rosacea Often Goes Untreated

A new survey of rosacea patients found most with eye irritation have not been treated for the eye symptoms of ocular rosacea. 
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7 Tips to Ward Off Autumn Rosy Cheeks

Change in weather can bring special challenges. Here are some tips to help ensure that your fall is flare-up free. 
Read More is Now Mobile Friendly

Posted:, the leading online resource for information about rosacea, is now optimized to work on mobile devices.
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Potential Link Found Between Rosacea and GI Disorders

Researchers conducting a nationwide study in Denmark found that rosacea may be associated with increased risk of certain gastrointestinal diseases.
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National Rosacea Society Awards New Research Grants

The National Rosacea Society announced it has awarded funding for three new studies, in addition to continuing support for two ongoing studies, as part of its research grants program.
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Rosacea Lookalike: Perioral Dermatitis

Perioral dermatitis is a red, bumpy rash that may form on the skin around the mouth and the lower portion of the face.
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Travel Essentials to Keep Rosacea at Bay

While travel and vacation can mean taking a break, don’t let your skincare and rosacea-friendly lifestyle choices falter when you’re away from your daily routine.
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Latest Rosacea Review Newsletter Now Available Online

This issue includes a report on comorbidity studies that potentially link rosacea to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, as well as many other stories.
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Stress Management: A Vital Link in Rosacea Control

Living in a state of stress can impact both mental and physical health. For those with rosacea, stress can also be a trigger for their skin condition.
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How to Handle Common Questions About Rosacea

Those who suffer from rosacea may often hear the same comments. Here are some suggestions for turning these occasions into opportunities to spread awareness and understanding. 
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Survey: Rosacea Patients Often Use Multiple Therapies

A new NRS survey of 1,534 rosacea patients finds that more than one therapy is often used over the course of managing the condition.
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Study Finds Rosacea Associated with Precursor to Diabetes

Researchers found that rosacea patients were significantly more likely to have insulin resistance, which may be a precursor to diabetes.
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When You Look in the Mirror, Do You See You, or Do You See Rosacea?

Sponsored postThe following announcement was issued by Galderma Laboratories, L.P.
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Tips for Interviewing with Rosacea

  Could a rosacea flare-up impair your performance in a job interview? Read these preparation ideas to help put your best face forward with a potential employer.
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Defining Rosacea: Distinguishing Between Current & Outdated Terms

Although modern standard terminology has been thoroughly adopted by doctors, older terms for rosacea may still pop up occasionally.
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Researchers Find Potential Links Between Rosacea & Autoimmune Disease

A Danish research team has now identified a potential relationship between rosacea and several autoimmune disorders known to be genetically linked.
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Eating Fish May Fight Dry Eye Symptoms

fish dinner plate
A new study has found that omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish, may help fight the dry eye symptoms of ocular rosacea.
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Dealing with a Danger Zone for Rosacea: the Beach

For many rosacea sufferers, the word “beach” may bring to mind “flare-up” more than fun and relaxation.
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Red Skin & Rashes Are Not Always the Result of Rosacea

Rosacea is sometimes confused with other conditions because its signs and symptoms can appear so similar, and a diagnosis by a dermatologist is essential.
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Risk of Dementia & Alzheimer's Greater in Rosacea Patients

Rosacea patients may face a slightly increased risk for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease later in life, according to a recent study in Denmark.
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Fitness Without the Rosacea Flare-ups

Unlike other rosacea triggers that might be easier to forgo, like hot baths or spicy food, exercise and other physical activity are more essential to leading a healthy lifestyle. Read on to find five fun low heart-rate exercise options to consider.
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Ocular Rosacea Studies Help Define Disease Process

Two recent small studies on ocular rosacea yielded new findings that help in understanding its manifestations as well as the disease process.
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