Rosacea Review - Newsletter of the National Rosacea SocietyRosacea Review - Newsletter of the National Rosacea Society


Patients Who Follow Directions Achieve High Rate of Success

Rosacea sufferers who follow their doctor's orders regarding medical therapy and also make appropriate lifestyle modifications achieve a high rate of success in controlling their condition, according to a recent survey of Rosacea Review readers.

In the survey of 520 rosacea patients, 51 percent were under treatment with topical therapy alone and 34 percent were using a combination of both oral and topical antibiotics. Only 11 percent had been prescribed oral antibiotic tablets alone.

New Evidence Shows Rosacea May Be Linked to Heredity

A recent survey of 2,052 rosacea sufferers conducted by the National Rosacea Society provides evidence that this chronic skin condition runs in families, and that people of some nationalities are more likely than others to develop the disorder.

Nearly 40 percent of the respondents indicated they had a family member who also suffered from rosacea. For 27 percent, that family member was a parent. Eighteen percent had a brother or sister suffering from rosacea, while 13 percent had a grandparent with the disease and 16 percent had an aunt or uncle who was affected.

Survey Reports Sun Season Hardest on Rosacea Symptoms

With spring blossoming and summer approaching, a majority of rosacea sufferers may find they must take special precautions to avoid flare-ups, according to a survey by the National Rosacea Society.

In the survey of more than 700 rosacea sufferers, 71 percent said their condition was affected by changes in seasons. Of all the seasons, summer was found the hardest to endure by most, with 57 percent of the respondents reporting that their symptoms are at their worst during this time of year.

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