Rosacea Review - Newsletter of the National Rosacea SocietyRosacea Review - Newsletter of the National Rosacea Society

Q&A: Lupus and Avoiding Caffeine

Q. Can rosacea be traced to lupus?

A. Lupus is an autoimmune disease that can cause inflammation, pain, and damage to various areas of the body including skin, joints and internal organs. Rosacea and lupus have some symptoms in common, such as facial redness and rash, and sensitivity to light. However, lupus affects many different parts of the body, including internal organs, while rosacea typically affects the facial skin and eyes. 

The cause of rosacea is unclear, but a growing body of research suggests that the innate immune system dysfunction might be implicated. However, always check with your physician, who can distinguish between the two. 

Q. I cannot drink coffee without having a flare-up. I avoid anything with caffeine. Is there anything else I can do?  

A. A study found that it’s possibly the heat, not caffeine, that triggers rosacea symptoms from hot coffee and tea.1 The study found that both hot coffee and hot water led to flushing reactions, while cool coffee or water did not. Consider drinking cool or iced coffee and see if you notice a change in your skin’s reaction.


Wilkin JK. Rosacea: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Pharmacy Times. 1990;May:27-30.
