We’re Looking for Your Rosacea Photos and Stories

Posted on: By: ahuff

rosacea patient photoWe need your help to help others.

There is no one single “face of rosacea” — the combination of signs and symptoms in each person who has it is unique. But because it’s so hard to capture rosacea’s appearance in a single image, there is often confusion and misconceptions about this disorder that affects nearly one in every 20 Americans. The National Rosacea Society is aiming to change that.

Today we are launching a campaign to obtain photos of patients with a range of rosacea signs and symptoms to demonstrate the many ways rosacea may appear. We’re looking for photos of every sign and symptom, from redness to rhinophyma to ocular rosacea, and every skin skin tone. Also of special interest are photos of the same person at baseline, during a flare-up and after treatment, to help communicate the benefit of medical therapy.

By contributing photos, you’ll help diversify the depictions of rosacea in the media and on rosacea.org. Of equal importance, we would like to hear your personal stories of success in treating and controlling your individual case. These can be of great value in helping others suffering from this chronic, often frustrating disorder.

Please go to the campaign submission form at submit.com to share your photos and story. For legal reasons, we need to collect some personal information from you on a release form — however, you can choose for your photo(s) and/or story to be used anonymously. More information can be found at rosacea.org/patients/photo-campaign. Thank you in advance for your help with this important project!